We take pride in constructing the most ecologically friendly, aesthetic and quality marine construction projects in the Lowcounty.

Give us a Call

 From Piers to Pilings, Our Team of Experts Has Your Project Covered.


Whether it be a 100 foot long dock, a commercial fishing, or pedestrian overlook, our expertise in building long-lasting pier structures is second to none. We only use the best quality treated materials and fasteners to make sure your investment stands up to mother nature. Our experts will come to you to evaluate the projects needs with regards to location, soil and usage needs.


With wave action being the cause of much of our coastal erosion in the lowcountry, any bulkhead has to be built strong enough to take on conditions ranging from king tides to hurricanes. That is why 90% of our bulkhead construction is comprised of either wood or viny. Contact us today to evaluate your property and needs with regards to seawall construction.


At BIMC, we utilize top-notch technology to complete the job. Our engineers utilize excavator mounted Movax® Pile Drivers to ensure each and every job is done with precision and speed. Suitable for many soil conditions, and known for precision, this technology allows for us to work in some of the most sensitive marine areas. Learn more about the Movax®brand of modular heavy equipment here.

Ready to start your marine construction project? Lookig for a quote or have questions? Send us a quick note, and we’ll get right back to you!

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